Friday, March 18, 2016

You Can't Possibly Meme That (VIII)

Every four years, as the time for a presidential election nears, Americans invest immense amounts of energy into the electoral process of debating, arguing, creating political memes, unfriending people on Facebook, assault and battery, remaining ignorant of the issues, elevating perception above reality, and even not paying attention at all.  This is all done with the aim of selecting one of our leading citizens to hold America's highest office and presumably carry out the will of the people. 

This election, after much yammering and little thinking, America has narrowed it down to two individuals.  For the Republicans it will be a grubby oligarch with small hands and no understanding of limited government.  Meanwhile the Democrats have settled on a criminal harpy with a dead ambassador on her hands and classified information in her private e-mail account.  One of these two people will ascend to the glory and prestige of the American presidency. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, your candidates...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

You Can't Possibly Meme That! (VII)

No thank you, I'll pass.